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Hardy inequality on time scales and its application to half-linear dynamic equations

  1. 1.
    0025864 - MÚ 2006 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Řehák, Pavel
    Hardy inequality on time scales and its application to half-linear dynamic equations.
    [Hardyho nerovnost na time scales a její aplikace v teorii pololineárních dynamických rovnic.]
    Journal of Inequalities and Applications. Roč. 5, č. 3 (2005), s. 495-507. ISSN 1025-5834
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA201/01/0079
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10190503
    Keywords : Hardy inequality * half-linear dynamic equation * time scale
    Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
    Impact factor: 0.349, year: 2004

    A time scale version of the Hardy inequality is presented, which unifies and extends well-known Hardy inequalities in the continuous and in the discrete setting. An application in the oscillation theory of half-linear dynamic equations is given.

    Je odvozena Hardyho nerovnost na time scales, která sjednocuje a rozšiřuje klasicky spojitý a diskrétní případ. Rovněž je předvedena její aplikace v teorii pololineárních dynamických rovnic.
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    Rehak.pdf1171.8 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
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