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Dominant phenolic compounds in ruderal species of Reynoutria and Impatiens

  1. 1.
    0024936 - ÚVGZ 2006 RIV IT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Vrchotová, Naděžda - Šerá, Božena - Tříska, Jan
    Dominant phenolic compounds in ruderal species of Reynoutria and Impatiens.
    [Dominantní fenolické látky v ruderálních druzích Reynoutria a Impatiens.]
    European Weed Research Society. Bari: Bari, 2005, neočíslováno.
    [European Weed Research Society:13th EWRS SYMPOSIUM. Bari (IT), 19.06.2005-23.06.2005]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) OC D28.001
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60870520
    Keywords : Reynoutria, Impatiens, I. noli-tangere.
    Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour

    There tall perennial species of Reynoutria have spread into the European region from Asia. There are also three annual species of Impatiens common and widespread in Europe (I noli-tangere is native to Europe, I. parviflora to Asia, I glandulifera to the Himalayas).The investigated genera have different life history strategies, but are very invasive in their original biotopes in Europe. The dominant phenolic compounds in the methanolic extract of Reynoutria and Impatiens genera were investigated using high performance liquid chrpomatography.Derivates of quercetin were found in the above-ground biomass of all genera, but in addition catechin was found in Reynoutria species and derivates of caffeic acid found in the three Impatiens species.Differend dominant phenolic compounds were found in underground parts of the plants. Rhizomes of Reynoutria species contained mainly stilbenes and catechins, but the Impatiens genus contain naphthoquinones.

    Nadzemní biomasa druhů křídlatek a netýkavek obsahuje deriváty kvercetinu, křídlatky pak navíc katechin a netýkavky deriváty kyseliny kávové. Obsahy zjišťovaných fenolických látek se liší mezi částmi těl i jednotlivými druhy.
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