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    0108491 - BFU-R 20043204 BE eng A - Abstract
    Hasoň, Stanislav - Vetterl, Vladimír
    Use of graphite electrodes modified by a mercury layer and amalgam electrodes in nucelic acid analysis: determination of nanogram quantities of DNA in the presence of copper.
    International Conference on Electrified Interfaces 2004: Book of Abstracts. Spa, 2004. s. 18.
    [International Conference on Electrified Interfaces 2004. 11.07.2004-16.07.2004, Spa]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KJB4004305; GA AV ČR IAA4004404
    Keywords : graphite electrodes * amalgam electrodes * nucelic acid analysis
    Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics
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