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    0602120 - ÚEB 2025 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Chandler, J. O. - Wilhelmsson, P. K.I. - Fernandez-Pozo, N. - Graeber, K. - Arshad, W. - Pérez, M. - Steinbrecher, T. - Ullrich, K. K. - Nguyen, T. - Mérai, Z. - Mummenhoff, K. - Theissen, G. - Strnad, Miroslav - Scheid, O. M. - Schranz, M. E. - Petřík, Ivan - Tarkowská, Danuše - Novák, Ondřej - Rensing, S. A. - Leubner-Metzger, Gerhard
    The dimorphic diaspore model Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae): Distinct molecular and morphological control of responses to parental and germination temperatures.
    Plant Cell. Roč. 36, č. 7 (2024), s. 2465-2490. ISSN 1040-4651. E-ISSN 1532-298X
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_019/0000738
    Institutional support: RVO:61389030
    Keywords : seed dormancy * gene-expression * abscisic-acid * quantitative-analysis * transcription factors * aba sensitivity * low-oxygen * arabidopsis * hypoxia * pericarp
    OECD category: Biochemical research methods
    Impact factor: 10, year: 2023 ; AIS: 3.417, rok: 2023
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:
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    2024_Chandler_PLANT CELL_2465.pdf13.5 MBOtheropen-access

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