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    0578040 - ÚGN 2024 RIV PL eng M - Monography Chapter
    Koníček, Petr - Kajzar, Vlastimil - Vavro, Martin - Jiránková, Eva - Malucha, P. - Schreiber, J.
    Methodology of geology and mining data collection.
    Methods on assessment and monitoring of seismic hazards in coal post-mining areas - Guidelines. Gliwice: Silesian University of Technology Publishing House, 2023 - (Sokoła-Szewioła, V.; Kotyrba, A.; Alheib, M.), s. 17-26. ISBN 978-83-7880-924-1
    EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 899192 - PostMinQuake
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : coal post-mining area * mine flooding * seismic hazards * surface deformations * rock mass properties
    OECD category: Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics
    Result website:
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    UGN_0578040.pdf08.8 MBOtherrequire

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