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    0567425 - ÚACH 2023 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Širillová, Z. - Hradilová, J. - Pech, M. - Švarcová, Silvie - Bezdička, Petr - Neděla, Vilém - Hradil, David
    Gold nanoparticles in painted miniatures on ivory: Non-invasive evidence and characterisation.
    Dyes and Pigments. Roč. 210, FEB (2023), č. článku 111015. ISSN 0143-7208. E-ISSN 1873-3743
    R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DG18P02OVV034
    Keywords : Portrait miniature * Purple of Cassius * Gold nanoparticles * X-ray fluorescence * X-ray diffraction * Environmental scanning electron microscopy
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Impact factor: 4.1, year: 2023 ; AIS: 0.505, rok: 2023
    Method of publishing: Limited access
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