
  1. 1.
    0487811 - ÚCHP 2018 GR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Neubert, M. - Nedbal, J. - Fähnrich, J. - Šyc, Michal
    Ways to Raise Recovery Potential of NFe Metals from MSWI Bottom Ash.
    Book of Abstracts. -, 2017. ISBN N.
    [International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology /15./. Rhodes (GR), 31.08.2017-02.09.2017]
    R&D Projects: GA MPO(CZ) FV10226
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : metal recovery * eddy currents * separation
    OECD category: Energy and fuels
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0487810 - ÚCHP 2018 GR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Šyc, Michal - Samusevich, Oleg - Veselý, Václav - Václavková, Šárka - Zach, Boleslav - Svoboda, Karel - Pohořelý, Michael - Punčochář, Miroslav
    Resource Recovery Potential of MSWI Bottom Ash in the Czech Republic.
    Book of Abstracts. -, 2017. ISBN N.
    [International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology /15./. Rhodes (GR), 31.08.2017-02.09.2017]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR TE02000236; GA MPO(CZ) FV10226
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : bottom ash * urban mining * metal recovery
    OECD category: Energy and fuels
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0565942 - ÚMCH 2024 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Islam, R. - Kotalík, Kevin - Šubr, Vladimír - Gao, S. - Zhou, J.-R. - Yokomizo, K. - Etrych, Tomáš - Fang, J.
    HPMA copolymer conjugated 5-aminolevulinic acid exhibits superior efficacy for photodynamic therapy with tumor-responsive and targeting properties.
    Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. Roč. 48, February (2023), č. článku 102636. ISSN 1549-9634. E-ISSN 1549-9642
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LX22NPO5102
    Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) JSPS-22-01
    Program: Bilaterální spolupráce
    Institutional support: RVO:61389013
    Keywords : HPMA copolymer * 5-aminolevulinic acid * photodynamic therapy
    OECD category: Polymer science
    Impact factor: 4.2, year: 2023 ; AIS: 0.805, rok: 2023
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    0565942.pdf01.5 MBCC BY LicensePublisher’s postprintopen-access

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