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    0549956 - ÚPT 2022 RIV CZ cze V - Research Report
    Horáček, Miroslav - Kolařík, Vladimír - Matějka, Milan - Krátký, Stanislav - Chlumská, Jana - Meluzín, Petr - Král, Stanislav
    SMV-2021-07: Reliéfní mikrostruktury na principu difraktivní optiky.
    [SMV-2021-07: Relief microstructures based on diffractive optics.]
    Brno: IQS Group s.r.o., 2021. 4 s.
    Source of funding: N - Non-public resources
    Keywords : diffractive optical structures * relief structure * e-beam lithography
    OECD category: Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)
    Permanent Link:

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