
  1. 1.
    0536231 - ÚH 2021 RIV CZ cze V - Research Report
    Pivokonský, Martin - Čermáková, Lenka - Novotná, Kateřina - Pivokonská, Lenka
    Optimalizace procesu koagulace/flokulace a návrh technologie míchaní - Úpravna vody Milence.
    [Optimization of coagulation/flocculation process and design of mixing technology - Water treatment plant Milence.]
    Praha: Čevak, a. s., 2020. 40 s.
    Institutional support: RVO:67985874
    Keywords : water treatment * coagulation * flocculation
    OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
    Permanent Link:
    Zpráva Milence_final_1.pdf0677.2 KBAuthor’s postprintrequire

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