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    0517137 - FZÚ 2020 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Antoš, J. - Dejdar, L. - Trejbal, J. - Prošek, Zdeněk
    Performance of cement composites reinforced with surface-modified polypropylene micro-fibers.
    Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. Vol. 13. Prague: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2017 - (Padevět, P.), s. 11-15. ISBN 978-80-01-06346-0. E-ISSN 2336-5382.
    [Conference Nano and Macro Mechanics 2017 /8./. Prague (CZ), 21.09.2017-21.09.2017]
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
    Keywords : cement composite * fiber reinforcement * polymeric fiber * surface modification * four-point bending * plasma treatment
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
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