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    0505611 - ÚMCH 2020 GR eng A - Abstract
    Pechar, Michal - Král, Vlastimil - Pola, Robert - Filippov, Sergey K. - Sieglová, Irena - Fábry, Milan - Etrych, Tomáš
    Targeting of polymer cancerostatics to GD2-positive tumor cells using recombinant antibody fragments.
    Abstract Book. Heraklion: European Polymer Federation, 2019. s. 208.
    [European Polymer Congress 2019 - EPF 2019. 09.06.2019-14.06.2019, Heraklion]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1507
    Institutional support: RVO:61389013 ; RVO:68378050
    Keywords : polymer therapeutics * drug targeting * recombinant proteins
    OECD category: Polymer science; Biochemical research methods (UMG-J)
    Permanent Link:

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