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    0498867 - ÚH 2019 RIV cze P1 - User Module
    Pivokonská, Lenka - Čermáková, Lenka - Petříček, Radim - Pivokonský, Martin
    Elektrokoagulační jednotka se separací agregátů.
    [Electrocoagulation unit with aggregates separation.]
    2018. Owner: Ústav pro hydrodynamiku AV ČR, v. v. i. Date of the utility model acceptance: 26.11.2018. Utility model number: 32362
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR(CZ) TJ01000297
    Institutional support: RVO:67985874
    Keywords : electrocoagulation * agregation * separation * water treatment * algae * biotechnology
    OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:

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