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    0494900 - ÚMCH 2019 FR eng A - Abstract
    Bober, Patrycja - Šeděnková, Ivana - Acharya, Udit - Pfleger, Jiří - Filippov, Sergey K. - Stejskal, Jaroslav
    Lignin/polypyrrole biocomposites and their carbonized analogues as materials for supercapacitors.
    NICE 2018 Book of Abstracts. Nice: Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2018. s. 351.
    [International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry and Materials /4./. 14.10.2018-17.10.2018, Nice]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-05095S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 8X17027
    Institutional support: RVO:61389013
    Keywords : polypyrrole * lignin * composites
    OECD category: Polymer science
    Permanent Link:

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