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    0474735 - ÚACH 2018 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Lančok, Adriana - Volfová, Lenka
    Mössbauer spectroscopy: epoch-making biological and chemical applications.
    Pure and Applied Chemistry. Roč. 89, č. 4 (2017), s. 461-470. ISSN 0033-4545. E-ISSN 1365-3075.
    [International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 /12./. Prague, 18.09.2016-23.09.2016]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1409; GA MŠMT(CZ) LM2015088
    Grant - others:FUNBIO(XE) CZ.2.16/3.1.00/21568
    Institutional support: RVO:61388980 ; RVO:68378271
    Keywords : biological tissue * boron chemistry * Fe2+ and Fe3+ * Mössbauer spectrometry * vivianite
    OECD category: Inorganic and nuclear chemistry; Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect) (FZU-D)
    Impact factor: 5.294, year: 2017 ; AIS: 0.928, rok: 2017
    Permanent Link:
    Mossbauer.pdf0626.4 KBCC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licencePublisher’s postprintopen-access

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