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    0410627 - UTIA-B 20010096 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Šmídl, Václav - Kárný, Miroslav - Šámal, M. - Backfrieder, W. - Szabo, Z.
    Smoothness prior information in principal component analysis of dynamic image data.
    New York: Springer, 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 2082. ISBN 3-540-42245-5. In: Information Processing in Medical Imaging. - (Insana, M.; Leahy, R.), s. 227-233
    [International Conference IPMI 2001 /17./. Davis (US), 17.06.2001-22.06.2001]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564; GA MZd NN5382
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : PCA * prior information * dynamic medical imaging
    Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
    Result website: prior information in principal component analysis of dynamic image data.pdf
    Permanent Link:

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