
  1. 1.
    0563816 - FLÚ 2023 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Balon, Jan
    Evolutionary Universals in Czechoslovak Society. Talcott Parsons, the Prague Spring, and structures of interest.
    The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies. London: Routledge, 2022 - (Trevino, A.; Staubmann, H.), s. 308-321. Routledge International Handbooks. ISBN 978-0-367-33667-7
    Institutional support: RVO:67985955
    Keywords : convergence theory * Talcott Parsons * Czech sociology
    OECD category: Sociology
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0131079 - FZU-D 960449 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Hudák, Ondřej - Rychetský, Ivan
    Dielectric response of the domain wall structure in KH2PO4-type crystals below "freezing" temperature.
    Ferroelectrics. Roč. 176, - (1996), s. 115-123. ISSN 0015-0193. E-ISSN 1563-5112
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/95/1393
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0409912 - UTIA-B 980153 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kárný, Miroslav - Kadlec, Jiří - Sutanto, E. L.
    Quasi-Bayes estimation applied to normal mixture.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 1998. In: Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing. - (Rojíček, J.; Valečková, M.; Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.), s. 77-82
    [CMP '98 /3./. Praha (CZ), 07.09.1998-09.09.1998]
    Grant - others:GA AV(CZ) IAA2075606; Commission EC(XE) ESPRIT 25729 ProDaCTool
    Program: IA
    Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:

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