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    0347887 - FGÚ 2011 RIV DK eng J - Journal Article
    Wohl, P. - Krušinová, E. - Hill, M. - Kratochvílová, S. - Zídková, K. - Kopecký, J. - Neškudla, T. - Pravenec, Michal - Klementová, M. - Vrbíková, J. - Wohl, P. - Mlejnek, Petr - Pelikánová, T.
    Effect of telmisartan on selected adipokines, insulin sensitivity, and substrate utilization during insulin-stimulated conditions in patients with metabolic syndrome and impaired fasting glucose.
    European Journal of Endocrinology. Roč. 163, č. 4 (2010), s. 573-583. ISSN 0804-4643. E-ISSN 1479-683X
    R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NR9359; GA MZd(CZ) NS10528
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50110509
    Keywords : telmisartan * insulin resistance * adipokines
    Subject RIV: FB - Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism, Nutrition
    Impact factor: 3.482, year: 2010 ; AIS: 1.135, rok: 2010
    Permanent Link:

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