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    0190916 - UMG-J 20000254 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Lipoldová, Marie - Svobodová, M. - Krulová, Magdalena - Havelková, Helena - Badalová, Jana - Nohýnková, E. - Holáň, Vladimír - Hart, A. - Volf, P. - Demant, P.
    Susceptibility to .I.Leishmania major ./I.infection in mice: multiple loci and heterogeneity of immunopathological phenotypes.
    Genes and Immunity. Roč. 1, č. 3 (2000), s. 200-206. ISSN 1466-4879. E-ISSN 1476-5470
    R&D Projects: GA MZd NM28; GA MZd IZ4122
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915
    Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
    Impact factor: 3.222, year: 2000
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