
  1. 1.
    0182598 - UGN-S 990148 RIV ES eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Šňupárek, Richard - Souček, Kamil
    Polyurethane geocomposites. Mechanical properties and deformation.
    Mine, Water and Environment. International Congress. Vol. 2. Madrid: Intituto Tecnológico Geominero de Espaňa, 1999 - (Rubio, F.), s. 657-661
    [Mine, Water and Environment. Sevilla (ES), 13.09.1999-17.09.1999]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA105/97/0967; GA AV ČR IAB3086907
    Subject RIV: JJ - Other Materials
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