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    0173328 - UEM-P 20003051 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Syková, Eva - Voříšek, Ivan - Tintěra, J. - Roitbak, Tamara - Nicolay, K.
    Extracellular space diffusion parameters in rat auditory cortex after injury.
    Association for research in otolaryngology. St. Petersburg Beach: organizer, 2000, s. 149-150.
    [Association for research in otolaryngology. St. Petersburg Beach (US), 20.02.2000-24.02.2000]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA309/99/0657; GA MŠMT VS96130; GA ČR GV309/97/K048
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906
    Subject RIV: FH - Neurology
    Permanent Link:

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