
  1. 1.
    0357785 - ÚI 2011 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
    Nemoga, K. - Porubský, Štefan - Mišík, L. - Kučera, R.
    Czech and Slovak International Conference on Number Theory /18./.
    [Smolenice, 27.08.2007-31.08.2007, (K-WRD 73/56)]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504
    Keywords : distribution of sequences * arithmetical functions * units in algebraic number fields * Abelian number fields
    Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0142032 - FGU-C 20000069 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Bačáková, Lucie - Mareš, Vladislav - Lisá, Věra - Švorčík, V.
    Molecular mechanisms of improved adhesion and growth of an endothelilal cell line cultured on polystyrene implanted with fluorine ions.
    Biomaterials. Roč. 21, - (2000), s. 1173-1179. ISSN 0142-9612. E-ISSN 1878-5905
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/96/0077; GA AV ČR IAA7011908
    Subject RIV: ED - Physiology
    Impact factor: 1.796, year: 2000
    Permanent Link:

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