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    0134490 - FZU-D 20030390 RIV SK sla J - Journal Article
    Bydžovský, J. - Jančárik, V. - Kollár, M. - Kraus, Luděk - Švec, P. - Ušák, E.
    Magnetoelastické tenzometre vhodné pre stavebnictvo a geotechniku.
    [Magnetoelastic load sensors suitable for civil engineering and geotechnics.]
    Acta Avionica. Roč. 5, 8/s (2003), s. 42-49. ISSN 1335-9479.
    [Aplikovaná magnetometria 2003. Košice, 20.08.2003-22.08.2003]
    Grant - others:NATO(XX) SfP973649; VEGA(SK) 1/0143/03; VEGA(SK) 1/0142/03
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1010914
    Keywords : strain sensor * magneto-elastic effect * amorphous magnetic alloys * induced magnetic anisotropy
    Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
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