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    0125572 - BFU-R 950084 RIV SIGLE CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Rýznar, Leonard - Kozubek, Stanislav - Nečas, O. - Janisch, R. - Lukášová, Emilie - Hampl, Aleš - Španová, Alena - Mlejnek, Petr
    Generator of fast neutrons in INP in Řež at Prague: recently performed experiments.
    Workshop on Radiation biology. Brno: Institute of Biophysics, 1995, s. -.
    [Workshop on Radiation biology. Nedvědice (CZ), 08.07.1995-11.07.1995]
    Keywords : fast neutrons * chromosome aberrations * apoptosis * mouse oocytes
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