
  1. 1.
    0124240 - ASU-R 980268 RIV FR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Sehnal, Ladislav - Peřestý, Radek - Pospíšilová, Libuše - Kohlhase, A.
    Mission analysis of the MIMOSA satellite.
    International Astronautical Congress. Paris: International Astronautical Federation, 1998, s. 1-7. IAF-98-A.4.09.
    [International Astronautical Congress /49./. Melbourne (AU), 28.09.1998-02.10.1998]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GV205/96/K119
    Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics
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