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    0045548 - FGÚ 2007 DE eng A - Abstract
    Kubala, Martin - Lánský, Zdeněk - Ettrich, R. - Plášek, J. - Teisinger, Jan - Amler, Evžen
    Nucleotide binding to Na+/K+-ATPase.
    [Vazba nukleotidu na Na+/K+-ATPasu.]
    FEBS Journal. Roč. 272, č. S1 (2005), s. 191-191. ISSN 1742-464X. E-ISSN 1742-4658.
    [FEBS Congress /30./ and IUBMB Conference /9./. 02.07.2005-07.07.2005, Budapest]
    Keywords : Na+/K+-ATPase * ATP binding * TNP-ATP
    Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics
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