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  1. 1.
    0587383 - FZÚ DATA Vědecká data      2024
    Vaněček, Vojtěch - Král, Robert - Křehlíková, Kateřina - Kučerková, Romana - Babin, Vladimir - Zemenová, Petra - Rohlíček, Jan - Málková, Zuzana - Jurkovičová, Terézia - Nikl, Martin


    Popis: All data are stored in compresed .zip file called "Li2MnCl4_Vanecek_et_al.zip". Descriptive names are used for each file. Images are stored as ".png" files. Data are sored as tab delimeted text files ".txt".
    Following files are contained in "Li2MnCl4_Vanecek_et_al.zip":
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_Ce.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_Eu.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_undoped.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample
    Fig_1.png - portable network graphic file with collage of photos of as-gwon crystals and respective cut and polished samples
    Fig_9_PL_decay_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_339nm_em_405nm.txt - photoluminescence decay kinetics data for Li2MnCl4:Eu measured with excitation wavelength of 339 nm and emission wavelength of 405 nm. Instrument response function and result of convolutional fitting are included in columns 1-2 and 5-6 respectively.
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Ce_em_670nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with emission wavelength of 670 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Ce_em_770nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with emission wavelength of 770 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_410nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 410 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_670nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 670 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_770nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 770 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_undoped_em_620nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with emission wavelength of 620 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_330nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 330 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_370nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 370 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_450nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 450 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_280nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 280 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_340nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 340 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_445nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 445 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_330nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 330 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_370nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 370 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_420nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 420 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_450nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 450 nm
    RL_BGO_reference_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Bi4Ge3O12 reference sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_Ce.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_Eu.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_undoped.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample

    Klíčová slova: x-ray diffraction * absorption * steady state photoluminescence * photoluminescence kinetics * radioluminescence
    Obor OECD: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.57680/asep.0587383
    Handle: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0354572
    Vkladatel: admin
    Datum publikování: 3.7.2024

         Licence: CC BY 4.0 - Uveďte původ Mezinárodní licence
    Název souboru StaženoVelikostKomentářPřístup
    Li2MnCl4_Vanecek_et_al.zip Přehled souborů28.4 MBpovolen
    Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271

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