Výsledky vyhledávání

  1. 1.
    0585608 - FZÚ DATA Vědecká data      2024
    Correa, Cinthia Antunes - Chevalier, Joris More - Hruška, Petr - Poupon, Morgane - Novotný, Michal - Minárik, P. - Hubík, Pavel - Lukáč, František - Fekete, Ladislav - Prokop, Dejan - Hanuš, J. - Valenta, J. - Fitl, Přemysl - Lančok, Ján

    Dataset for Microstructure and physical properties of black aluminum antireflective films.

    Popis: The files are related to the manuscript „Microstructure and physical properties of Black-Aluminum antireflective films“ and are organized in the sequence of appearance in the manuscript. The nomenclature of the files follows the sequence:
    Figure, number of the figure appearing in the manuscript (from 1 – 7), type of data (XRD, AFM, TEM, EDX, PALS, Reflectance, Carrier concentration, Electrical mobility, or resistivity), thin film sample related to (R-Al or B-Al), film thickness (60, 180, 250, 320, or 410 nm).
    TEM image files are raw, as collected, while the ones in the manuscript were cropped to show the differences between the films.

    Klíčová slova: powder x-ray diffraction * atomic force microscopy * transmission electron microscopy * energy dispersive x-ray analysis * positron annihilation spectroscopy * reflectivity, resistivity * hall measurements
    Obor OECD: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.57680/asep.0585608
    Handle: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0353281
    Vkladatel: admin
    Datum publikování: 2.5.2024
    Publikace ASEP:
    Microstructure and physical properties of black-aluminum antireflective films

         Licence: CC BY 4.0 - Uveďte původ Mezinárodní licence
    Název souboru StaženoVelikostKomentářPřístup
    Data.zip Přehled souborů1247.5 MBpovolen
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GA23-05002S; GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596; GA MŠMT LM2023051
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271Institucionální podpora: RVO:61389021
  2. 2.
    0585551 - FZÚ DATA Vědecká data      2024
    Irimiciuc, Stefan - Grumezescu, V. - Holban, A. M. - Gherasim, O. - Chertopalov, Sergii - Garoi, P. - Craciun, V. - Lančok, Ján

    Dataset for Silver oxide phase tailoring for improved antimicrobial activity.

    Popis: This data sheets contain This dataset contains data from morphological and structural analysis of pulsed laser deposited silver oxide thin films and their antibacterial behavior.

    File 1. Scanning electron microscopy images of AgxO films produced by pulsed laser deposition deposited in O2 at 0.01 Pa (a), 0.1 Pa(b) and 1 Pa (c). The images were recorded using a magnification of 100 000 x.
    File 2. Optical transmission spectra in the 300-800 nm range of the AgxO films containing different oxide phases (a) and the corresponding Tauc plots (b) recalculated using the Tauc plot method
    File 3. X-ray diffraction patterns in the 20 -80 degrees range for the AgxO films deposited in 0.01, 0.1 and 1 Pa or O2 and the Photoelectron spectra recorded form the AgxO multiphase films as follows: in the 364-378 eV for the Ag3d peak and the 525-535 eV for the O1s peak.
    File 4. Antibacterial activity of the AgxO films after 4 (a) and 24 hours (b) which depicts the evolution of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria population on the silver oxide films after the samples were intubated at 37 degrees for the two times that they were investigated.

    Klíčová slova: antimicrobial activity * silver oxide phase tailoring * pulsed laser deposition * x ray diffraction pattern
    Obor OECD: Materials engineering
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.57680/asep.0585551
    Handle: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0353279
    Vkladatel: admin
    Datum publikování: 30.4.2024

         Licence: CC BY 4.0 - Uveďte původ Mezinárodní licence
    Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271

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