Revue semestrielle de linguistique et littératures romanes

Écho des études romanes 2022, 18(2):119-131 | DOI: 10.32725/eer.2022.016

Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne : Bohumil Hrabal et la psychanalyseFrench

Institut de philosophie, Académie des sciences, Prague

Mots clés: Bohumil Hrabal ; psychanalyse ; imaginaire ; langage

Psychopathology of everyday life: Bohumil Hrabal and psychoanalysis

The present paper is an attempt to deal with the complicated relationship between Bohumil Hrabal's writings and psychoanalysis. In the first part of the paper, the author concentrates on the explicit references to Freud in Hrabal's texts. These references seem to show that Hrabal's interest in the founder of psychoanalysis – mediated by surrealism – is concerned with Freud's particular interest in language and affectivity, resulting, in Hrabal, in a certain “therapeutic” view of literary writing. In the second part of the paper, this reading is extended to include certain Hrabalian motives that seem to surpass Hrabal's specific interest in Freud's work, namely, the motive of materiality of language and that of the imaginary (in the Lacanian sense).

Keywords: Bohumil Hrabal; psychoanalysis; imaginary; language

Accepted: November 28, 2022; Published: January 6, 2023  Show citation

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FULKA, J. (2022). Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne : Bohumil Hrabal et la psychanalyse. Écho des études romanes18(2), 119-131. doi: 10.32725/eer.2022.016
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