

„Věčnost“ Arthura Rimbauda a její české překlady


Petr Kužel




The study focuses on the significance of Arthur Rimbaud’s poem “Eternity”. It presents a literal Czech translation and a detailed commentary of the poem and compares it with other Czech translations. In addition, it describes the cultural context in which the poem was created, and it attempts to prove a hypothesis — based on the analysis of the poem — that “Eternity” is partially based on specific philosophical concepts of temporality, the absolute, and the Self. Consequently, the study implicitly polemizes with the opinion of Vítězslav Nezval, who significantly influenced the reception of Rimbaud in Czechia. Nezval appreciates Rimbaud’s free imagination, but claims there is no logical intention or philosophical background behind the meaning of Rimbaud’s poems. To prove the opposite, the study uncovers and describes the logical order and philosophical implications of the poem. At the end of the study, the author’s own poetic translation of “Eternity” is presented.


Arthur Rimbaud — poem “Eternity” — French poetry — philosophy — Czech translations


Arthur Rimbaud — báseň „Věčnost“ — francouzská poezie — filozofie — české překlady




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Úvod > 2021.2.7