Other MATLAB / INTLAB files

ABSVALEQN        An algorithm for finding a solution of the equation A*x+B*abs(x)=b (Report 1063)


ABSVALEQNALL     An algorithm for finding all solutions of the equation A*x+B*abs(x)=b



BASINTLINPROBS   An exponential algorithm for solving basic interval linear problems (Report 1105)


TWOMATRALT       Two-matrix alternative (Report 1106)                     


KS               Verified solutions of linear equations (Report 1121)


BADINTMAT        Generator of „bad“ interval matrices


SIMPLEXEQ        Simplex method for solving min c‘*x s.t. A*x=b, x>=0


SIMPLEXINEQ      Simplex method for solving max c‘*x s.t. A*x<=b


OLS              Verified eigendecomposition (not yet available)


JKS              Verified singular value decomposition (not yet available)