Advanced Materials Research Vol. 778

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Abstract: Through the reading of some French engineering treatises published in the 18th century values of the ultimate normal stress of wood elements in bending have been derived. This has allowed to highlight the different purposes with which the tests were carried out in the course of time in that period: from the observation of the phenomenon, to derivation of a law of general behavior, and to the publication of load charts useful for building practice, for the verification of the theory, and finally for the determination of the values of various coefficients.
Abstract: Persepolis is one of the most important ancient monumental buildings in the world which unfortunately was burned by Macedonian Alexander arson in 330 B.C and its great and beautiful timber roof had been destroyed. In this article we tried to consider the role of wood and timber roof in Persepolis architecture and show a model to revitalize it.
Abstract: One of the main reasons for the decline and exhaustion of wood materials in old buildings is biological factors. In Yazd According to the position of buildings in hot and dry desert climate and the use of wood as an integral part of the building structure, This factors of damage to obvious and hidden that could threaten the stability of buildings. With respect to this, the several period laboratory and field research to identify the species and damage caused by biological agents work on timber structures Which mainly on 11 to 14 century AD buildings of Yazd damage has Was performed. In order to identify malicious insects, so far three type of Borer beetles the scientific name of the family Buprestidae Pseudocastalia aegyptiaca and Xylopertha reflexicauda and family Bostrichus capucinus Bostrychidae and three termite species with scientific names Anacanthotermes vagans (Hagen) family of Hodotermitidae, Amitermes sp. and Microcerotermes sp. The family Trmytyda has been identified in Yazd. The damage that these insects create many factors such as type of wood density, moisture content of wood depends on environmental conditions and location of the attack. According to climate of Yazd and construction technology, most of the structural damage, such as domes, arches and brick walls to show. These damages brought down the long-term structural strength and the instability in natural factors such as earthquakes, the structural imbalances and collapse of the buildings.Therefore the pathology of Integral component on timber structures brick in assessing the health and stability of structure in a desert climate of Yazd is very important and necessary. In this paper, by introducing the use of timber in 11th century to 14 century adobe structures in Yazd to review and evaluate the damage caused by the destruction timber structures Monuments By biological agents are paid.
Abstract: Istanbul, which has been the capital city of different empires throughout history, houses numerous listed architectural and cultural historical buildings. There are diverse applications of timber structures all through Anatolia. As capital city of Ottoman period, construction of timber had high and low periods in Istanbul. As masonry houses have suffered numerous intense and destructive earthquakes, wooden buildings gained importance to be safe especially among rich people. As several fires wiped out thousands of houses and the districts, masonry buildings were made obligatory by law in the form of building regulations. Later however, due to many damages caused by repeated earthquakes, construction of timber buildings was once again allowed under the law. Between the 15th and the 18th centuries, the Turkish dwellings of timber framed construction with brick filling were developed. After the 18th century, the quality of work was decreased; the wall frames constructed without any filling sheathed with timber planks or lathed plaster became popular. Today, although these timber dwellings are listed, they are in very poor condition due to lack of maintenance and wrong interventions. In order to make risk assessment of these structures, more than 20 houses were inspected in Historical Peninsula of Istanbul. This paper will discuss risks sources, assessment of damage level and evaluation of the present condition of these buildings.
Abstract: The Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa or Köprülü Reception Room / Divanhane is one of the old, important examples of Ottoman house architecture. This building on the shore of the Bosphorus in Istanbul was constructed to house the Austrian ambassador after the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699). Divanhane is the only surviving part of the summer palace complex built by Grand Vizier Amcazade Hüseyin Paşa. It was repaired in 1870, 1947, 1954, 1971 and 1978 to strengthen. However, because of these repairs the building lost some of its characteristics and was partially changed. Today, Divanhane is became a symbol both of Istanbul and the traditional buildings faced with the danger of being destroyed. In this study, the special details of this building that is faced with the danger of rotting because of its age will be researched and documented.
Abstract: Preservation of traditional settlements is an important issue of sustainable cultural heritage politics and this is an ongoing research to raise an argument on concept of restoration works going on in small scaled residential wooden structures in Turkey. Authors have had several analysis studies that identify the architectural and structural features as well as damage assessment of the house stock in Kula district. The main concept of the restoration work of selected cases is replacing the old timber structural elements with the new one, instead of treating them. In this study it is aimed to evaluate this renovation process by focusing the wooden elements. Destructive testing methods have been used on wooden elements that were obtained from Goldeliler House during the fieldwork to make a mutual evaluation for the quality of old and new samples.
Abstract: In this study, the construction analysis of Turkish House Konak, was researched according to its traditional construction technology against seismic actions. Case study building was chosen from Safranbolu and construction datas were getting from different bibliography for receiving more informational data about their traditional construction technology. The traditional Turkish house construction technology against the seismicity was researched by concentrating the timber skeleton and its relation to the seismic forces that affect the structural behavior.The aim of this study was to understand the seismic precautions and seismic weakness of the traditional Turkish house structures that were done in the previous times.
Abstract: All the research on the behavior and failure of specimens of the Bourbon System, masonry with timber framing, has been done on early 1900 C photographic records. The photos show some case baraccate damaged by the 1905 and 1908 seismic events. The damage is recorded also in the official documents of the technicians sent from Rome, just like Commissione del Genio Civile [, including Canevazzi and Panetti. More data come from Baratta punctual description [ who visited Calabrian towns damaged in the 1908 earthquake. Other news has been taken out from some old chronicles regarding timber frame buildings before 1783.
Abstract: This paper introduces the database to provide common information of existing wooden houses, which the authors have been trying to establish under a national project for promoting the second-hand market of existing houses in Japan. In Japan, 2010, we have about 58 million houses, of which about 50 million are occupied and used by households. This means that houses in Japan are more than enough according to statistical data. Now we need to utilize existing houses, handling with methods of renovation and distribution. One of the most important points is that we can easily get technological information of a house to keep on using and utilizing through renovation work. But actually it is not easy to get information sufficient for renovation and distribution before partial demolition work. Therefore, the authors are trying to establish the database, which provide information about materials and construction methods of a wooden house and visualize parts of wooden house like structure, inside of wall, floor and base where it is difficult to see and inspect from on-sight investigation. This paper introduces not only the outline and the way of using of the database for visualizing invisible parts of wooden house, but also progress status of research and development.

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