11th International Conference on Hydrogen Technologies, 24-25 March 2021

"Hydrogen on the move"

HydrogenDays 2021

Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The last year 2020 brought unexpected challenges to our daily lives. It was due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Many aspects had to adapt to this global issue and strict safety measures had to be accepted. Our traditional Hydrogen Days conference represents no exception. As the situation has not yet completely calmed down and safety of all participants is of outmost importance to us, we decided to hold the conference in this year 2021 through an online platform. In this way, participant's health will be protected, but knowledge transfer throughout the scientific and business community remains preserved. And continuous knowledge exchange is very important especially, in this very exciting time for hydrogen technologies. A period marked by the hydrogen initiative of the European Union, as discussed closer below.

The Hydrogen Days conference continuously attracts important players and stakeholders in the hydrogen technology sector and supports the international networking of specialists in the sector. A unique aspect of the Hydrogen Days conference represents its role in coordinating the activities in Central and Eastern Europe, i.e. in a region with an important space still open for first introduction of new hydrogen technologies.

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Rapid development in hydrogen technologies is recently accompanied by an increasing enthusiasm among experts in the commercial, as well as in the public sectors. In 2020, this enthusiasm was confirmed not only by the publication of several national and the EU hydrogen strategies, but also by the announcement of the first national calls of interests of IPCEI's (Important Projects of Common European Interest), especially on green hydrogen production. The year 2021 will bring the implementation of the new EU hydrogen strategies and alliances, such as the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance aiming at the deployment of hydrogen technologies by 2030. Moreover, the year 2021 will be crucial to reconnect and bring together solutions and ideas to strengthen hydrogen sector integration, economy growth and jobs security in Europe.

All on-going activities and targets can be summarized in this year's Hydrogen Days 2021 motto:

Hydrogen on the move.

Are you interested in recent progress made in hydrogen technologies in Europe and worldwide?

Would you like to connect with colleagues and have an opportunity to discuss your latest results, or to find partners for collaboration?

Or are you simply interested in developments in the exciting field of hydrogen technologies?

Join us from March 24 to 25, 2021, ONLINE.

Karel Bouzek

Chairman of the Scientific Committee

Karel Bouzek
Karel Bouzek

Confirmed partners
Student Award Sponsor