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Taiwan zhanhou chuqi wenxue changyu chongjian : Shuwei renwen gangfa de yunyong yu shilie fenxi 台灣戰後初期文學場域重建:數位人文方法的運用與實例分析

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    0457884 - OÚ 2016 RIV TW chi J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Dluhošová, Táňa - Chen, A. Ch.-H.
    Taiwan zhanhou chuqi wenxue changyu chongjian : Shuwei renwen gangfa de yunyong yu shilie fenxi 台灣戰後初期文學場域重建:數位人文方法的運用與實例分析.
    [Reconstruction of Taiwanese Early Post-war Literary Field: A Case Analysis with the Use of Digital Humanities Method.]
    Taiwan wenxue xuebao. -, č. 27 (2015), s. 113-152. ISSN 1608-1692
    Grant ostatní: AV ČR(CZ) MOST/2014/0004
    Program: Bilaterální spolupráce
    Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378009
    Klíčová slova: Early Post-war Literature * Digital Humanities * Literary Field * Multivariate analysis * Literary Autonomy
    Kód oboru RIV: AJ - Písemnictví, masmédia, audiovize

    Běnwén zài shùwèi rénwén màiluò xià, tòuguò shízhèng liànghuà yánjiū fāngfǎ, fēnxī zhàn hòu chūqí (1945-1949) Táiwān wénxué chǎng yù, zhǔyào mùbiāo yǒu èr. Dì yī, běnwén dàliàng sōují zhàn hòu chūqí bàokān mùlù zīliào, cǎiyòng duō biànshù tǒngjì fēnxī fǎ——zhǔ chéngfèn fēnxī fǎ, yījù xíngdòng zhě yú bùtóng kānwù jiān zhī chūbǎn móshì, fēnxī xíngdòng zhě zhī jiān de chūbǎn xiāngsì xìng, jí cǐ tàntǎo xíngdòng zhě zhī qúnjí xiànxiàng jí wénxué chǎng yù “ xíxìng". Dì èr, běnwén cǎiyòng fàguó shèhuì xué jiā bù'ěr dí è (Pierre Bourdieu) zhī wénxué chǎng yù lǐlùn, rènwéi wéntán shì yóu bu tóng wénhuà rén zhī jiān de hùdòng guānxì suǒ gòuzhù zhī màiluò, zài cǐ jiàgòu zhī xià, xíngdòng zhě lěijī dàliàng "xiàngzhēng zīchǎn", yǐ qǔdé chǎng yù yōushì `wèizhì', dàn běnwén rènwéi, zài zhàn hòu chūqí bèijǐng xià, yīng fèn xī wèi `wēiwàng hé zhèngzhì yǐngxiǎng lì'de zǔhé, xíngdòng zhě jí yóu zhànjù zhǔdǎo dìwèi de fāngshì, dìngyì táiwān de rèntóng, wénhuà hé wénxué dìwèi. Yīncǐ, běnwén jiāng chóngxīn jiǎnshì bù'ěr dí è zhī lǐlùn yìngyòng yú táiwān zhàn hòu shíqí wéntán zhī shìqiè xìng, bìng tàntǎo wénxué chǎng yù de "zìzhǔ xìng

    Using an empirical quantitative analysis to examine Taiwan early post-war (1945–1949) literary field, this article aims at two main goals. Firstly, based on a multivariate statistical analysis — the Principal Component Analysis — on contributors’ publishing patterns in co-temporary periodicals, this article aims at disclosing publishing similarities among the agents during the period. The findings will then illustrate the clusters of agents in the literary field and characterize their habitus. Secondly, it will utilize the theory of literary field by a French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, which understands the field as a dynamic structure created by relationships between different members of the field. These agents may compete over the dominant position that enables those who have gained recognition by their peers (symbolic capital) to impose a binding definition of what literature is and what can be rightfully included in the canon. During the early post-war period, however, the dynamics of the literary field is not given only by symbolic capital, but also by other nonliterary forces. This article thus aims at re-examining Bourdieu’s theory in the context of Taiwan early post-war period literature and discuss the degree of autonomy of the literary field.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0258230

Počet záznamů: 1  

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