Počet záznamů: 1
Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite and phosphate on thorium toxicity – Arabidopsis transcriptomic study
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SYSNO ASEP 0582505 Druh ASEP J - Článek v odborném periodiku Zařazení RIV J - Článek v odborném periodiku Poddruh J Článek ve WOS Název Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite and phosphate on thorium toxicity – Arabidopsis transcriptomic study Tvůrce(i) Landa, Přemysl (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Müller, Karel (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Přerostová, Sylva (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID, SAI
Petrová, Šárka (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Moťková, Kateřina (UEB-Q) ORCID
Vaněk, Tomáš (UEB-Q) RID, ORCID
Soudek, Petr (UEB-Q) RID, ORCIDČíslo článku 105573 Zdroj.dok. Environmental and Experimental Botany. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0098-8472
Roč. 217, JAN (2024)Poč.str. 9 s. Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Země vyd. GB - Velká Británie Klíč. slova Deficiency ; Phosphorus ; Phytotoxicity ; RNA-seq ; Stress response Obor OECD Biochemical research methods CEP EF16_019/0000738 GA MŠMT - Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Způsob publikování Open access Institucionální podpora UEB-Q - RVO:61389030 UT WOS 001125927400001 EID SCOPUS 85181723562 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105573 Anotace Thorium (Th) is a ubiquitous element but elevated concentrations caused by anthropogenic or natural activities pose health and environmental risks. Plants may be exposed accidentally or during the remediation of contaminated sites. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the effect of thorium on Arabidopsis plants by RNA-seq profiling. Since Th and phosphorus form insoluble phosphates, we focused on the effect of Th in the presence/absence of phosphate in wild-type and mutants with altered phosphate management. Furthermore, we investigated the effect of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, which are considered as material for in situ remediation, on Th toxicity. The highest number of DEGs was recorded in the combination of P absence and Th presence while the lowest in the presence of Th together with hydroxyapatite. Besides a high number of genes involved in stress response, Th also induced the transcription of genes involved in response to P starvation, indicating that Th decreased the availability of P. P deficiency caused by Th contributed to the phytotoxic effect of Th. We observed that nano-hydroxyapatite significantly reduced Th toxicity. Nano-hydroxyapatite also served as a source of inorganic P for the plants, but caused deficiency of essential metals indicated by up-regulation of genes involved in their acquisition. Pracoviště Ústav experimentální botaniky Kontakt David Klier, knihovna@ueb.cas.cz, Tel.: 220 390 469 Rok sběru 2024 Elektronická adresa https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2023.105573
Počet záznamů: 1