Počet záznamů: 1
Structural Characterization of Micellar Aggregates in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate/Aluminum Nitrate/Urea/Water System in the Synthesis of Mesoporous Alumina
- 1.Caragheorgheopol, A. - Caldararu, H. - Vasilescu, M. - Khan, A. - Angelescu, D. - Žilková, Naděžda - Čejka, Jiří
Structural Characterization of Micellar Aggregates in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate/Aluminum Nitrate/Urea/Water System in the Synthesis of Mesoporous Alumina.
Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. Roč. 108, - (2004), s. 7735-7743. ISSN 1089-5647
Grant ostatní: MER(RO) 8/2001; NATO Science for Peace and Eur. Union(XE) Sfp-974217
Impakt faktor: 3.679, rok: 2003
Počet záznamů: 1