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Scalar-Valued Score Functions and their use in Parametric Estimation
- 1.0566532 - ÚI 2023 CZ eng V - Výzkumná zpráva
Fabián, Zdeněk
Scalar-Valued Score Functions and their use in Parametric Estimation.
Prague: ICS CAS, 2022. 21 s. Technical Report, V-1291.
Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985807
Klíčová slova: core random variable * score mean * score variance * score distance * score correlation
In the paper we describe and explain a new direction in probabilistic and statistical reasoning, the approach based on scalar-valued score functions of continuous random variables. We show basic properties of score functions of standard distributions, generalize the approach for parametric families and show how to use them for solutions of problems of parametric statistics.
Trvalý link: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0337861
Název souboru Staženo Velikost Komentář Verze Přístup 0566532-vz-1291-1.pdf 6 554 KB Vydavatelský postprint vyžádat
Počet záznamů: 1