Počet záznamů: 1
Resource Recovery Potential Of MSWI Fly Ash Acid Extraction: A Case Study.
- 1.0521421 - ÚCHP 2020 AT eng A - Abstrakt
Korotenko, Ekaterina - Šyc, Michal - Jadrný, J. - Mašín, P. - Krystyník, Pavel - Klusoň, Petr
Resource Recovery Potential Of MSWI Fly Ash Acid Extraction: A Case Study.
Program. -: TU Wien, 2019. s. 1-2. ISBN N.
[International Conference on Final Sinks /5./. 08.12.2019-11.12.2019, Vienna]
Grant CEP: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_026/0008413; GA TA ČR(CZ) TH03030388
Institucionální podpora: RVO:67985858
Klíčová slova: waste-to-energy * metal recovery * fly ash
Obor OECD: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
The aim of the case study is, firstly, to assess the possibilities of recycling and recovery of metals (mainly Zn, Cu and Pb) and salts in the Termizo plant; secondly, to assess the impacts of resource recovery on the process and the whole MSWI plant technology and, finally, to estimate economic effects and economic feasibility of the technology.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0306048
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Počet záznamů: 1