Počet záznamů: 1
Performance-based seismic design of concrete structures and infrastructures
- 1.0471386 - ÚTAM 2017 RIV US eng M - Část monografie knihy
Náprstek, Jiří - Fischer, Cyril
Dynamic stability and post-critical processes of slender auto-parametric systems.
Performance-based seismic design of concrete structures and infrastructures. Hershey (PA): IGI Global, 2017 - (Plevris, V.; Kremmyda, G.; Fahjan, Y.), s. 128-171. ISBN 978-1-5225-2089-4
Grant CEP: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01035S
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378297
Klíčová slova: chaotic response * non-stationary response * post-critical state * semi-trivial solution * stability limit * stationary response * vertical excitation
Obor OECD: Construction engineering, Municipal and structural engineering
Web výsledku:
http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/dynamic-stability-and-post-critical-processes-of-slender-auto-parametric-systems/178037DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-2089-4.ch006
High-rise structures exposed to a strong vertical component of an earthquake excitation are endangered by auto-parametric resonance effect. While in a sub-critical state, the vertical and horizontal response components are independent. Exceeding a certain limit causes the vertical response to lose stability and induces dominant horizontal response. This effect is presented using two mathematical models: (1) the non-linear lumped mass model; and (2) the one dimensional model with continuously distributed parameters. Analytical and numerical treatment of both leads to three different types of the response: (1) semi-trivial sub-critical state with zero horizontal response component; (2) post-critical state (auto-parametric resonance) with a periodic or attractor type chaotic character; and (3) breaking through a certain limit, the horizontal response exponentially rises and leads to a collapse. Special attention is paid to transition from a semi-trivial to post-critical state in case of time limited excitation period as it concerns the seismic processes.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0268786
Počet záznamů: 1