Počet záznamů: 1
Ni–Mn–Ga single crystal exhibiting multiple magnetic shape memory effects
- 1.0467363 - FZÚ 2017 RIV DE eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Heczko, Oleg - Veřtát, Petr - Vronka, Marek - Kopecký, Vít - Perevertov, Oleksiy
Ni–Mn–Ga single crystal exhibiting multiple magnetic shape memory effects.
Shape Memory and Superelasticity. Roč. 2, č. 3 (2016), s. 272-280. ISSN 2199-384X. E-ISSN 2199-3858
Grant CEP: GA ČR GB14-36566G; GA ČR GA15-00262S
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68378271
Klíčová slova: magnetic shape memory * NiMnGa * stress-strain * twinning * magnetic field-induced transformation * magnetic field-induced reorientation
Kód oboru RIV: BM - Fyzika pevných látek a magnetismus
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40830-016-0077-9
Both magnetically induced phase transformation and magnetically induced reorientation (MIR) effects were observed in one Ni50Mn28Ga22 single crystal sample by direct measurement of the magnetic field-induced strain. We investigated various twinning microstructures ranged from single twin interface to fine twinning and crossing twins to evaluate what controls the apparent twinning stress crucial for MIR. The main challenges for the applications of these effects are outlined.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0266517
Počet záznamů: 1