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Influence of 1,2-alkanediols on the structure of their intercalates with strontium phenylphosphonate solved by molecular simulation and experimental methods
- 1.0466092 - ÚMCH 2017 RIV US eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
Svoboda, Jan - Melánová, Klára - Zima, Vítězslav - Beneš, L. - Pšenička, M. - Pospíšil, M. - Kovář, P.
Influence of 1,2-alkanediols on the structure of their intercalates with strontium phenylphosphonate solved by molecular simulation and experimental methods.
Journal of Molecular Modeling. Roč. 22, č. 6 (2016), s. 1-9, č. článku 143. ISSN 1610-2940. E-ISSN 0948-5023
Grant CEP: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-13368S
Institucionální podpora: RVO:61389013
Klíčová slova: 1,2 diols * molecular simulations * strontium phenylphosphonate * intercalation
Kód oboru RIV: CA - Anorganická chemie
Impakt faktor: 1.425, rok: 2016 ; AIS: 0.35, rok: 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00894-016-3014-0
Strontium phenylphosphonate intercalates with 1,2-diols (from 1,2-ethanediol to 1,2-hexanediol) were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, chemical analysis, and molecular simulation methods. Coordination of the oxygen atoms of the diols to the strontium atoms of the host follows the same pattern for all 1,2-diol intercalates except the 1,2-hexanediol intercalate, where these oxygen atoms can be mutually exchanged at their positions. The calculated basal spacings and structural models are in good agreement with experimental basal spacings obtained from X-ray powder diffraction and with other experimental results.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0264522
Počet záznamů: 1