Počet záznamů: 1
Crack Growth Modelling in the Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Application of the Cohesive Zone Approach
- 1.0434890 - ÚFM 2015 RIV CH eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
Kozák, Vladislav - Chlup, Zdeněk
Crack Growth Modelling in the Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Application of the Cohesive Zone Approach.
Materials Structure and Micromechanics of Fracture VII. Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2014 - (Šandera, P.), s. 193-196. Key Engineering Materials, 592-593. ISBN 978-3-03785-934-6. ISSN 1013-9826.
[MSMF 7 - International Conference on Materials Structure & Micromechanics of Fracture /7./. Brno (CZ), 01.07.2013-03.07.2013]
GRANT EU: European Commission(XE) 263476 - ROLICER
Institucionální podpora: RVO:68081723
Klíčová slova: cohesive zone model * Si 3 N 4 composite * finite element user’s procedure
Kód oboru RIV: JL - Únava materiálu a lomová mechanika
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.592-593.193
Specific silicon nitride based materials are considered according to certain practical requirements of process, the influence of the grain size and orientation on the bridging mechanisms was found. Crack-bridging mechanisms can provide substantial increases in toughness coupled with the strength in ceramics. The prediction of the crack propagation through interface elements based on the fracture mechanics approach and cohesive zone model is investigated and from the amount of damage models the cohesive models seem to be especially attractive for the practical applications. Using cohesive models the behaviour of materials is realized by two types of elements. The former is the element for classical continuum and the latter is the connecting cohesive element. Within the standard finite element package Abaqus a new finite element has been developed; it is written via the UEL (user’s element) procedure. Its shape can be very easily modified according to the experimental data for the set of ceramics and composites. The new element seems to be very stable from the numerical point a view. The shape of the traction separation law for three experimental materials is estimated from the macroscopic tests, J–R curve is predicted and stability of the bridging law is tested.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0238864
Počet záznamů: 1