Počet záznamů: 1
Dynamic analysis of resonance - bifurcation characteristics of non-linear parametric systems
- 1.0380294 - ÚT 2013 RIV NL eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
Hortel, Milan - Škuderová, Alena - Kratochvíl, Ctirad - Houfek, Martin
Dynamic analysis of resonance - bifurcation characteristics of non-linear parametric systems.
Advances in Mechanisms Design. Vol. 8. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012 - (Beran, J.; Bílek, M.; Hejnová, M.; Žabka, P.), s. 187-192. ISBN 978-94-007-5124-8. ISSN 2211-0984.
[International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms /11./. Liberec (CZ), 04.09.2012-06.09.2012]
Institucionální podpora: RVO:61388998
Klíčová slova: non-linear dynamics * time heteronymous systems * damping * gears
Kód oboru RIV: BI - Akustika a kmity
The dynamic analysis is an important part of basic research of complex planetary transmission systems with split power flow. The bifurcation characteristics of the resonance courses especially for high-speed weakly and strongly non-linear parametric and in the damping time-heteronymous systems are highly sensitive to their parameters, i.e. to the quality and quantity of their bifurcation features and ambiguities. In the case of mass discretisation, their analytical – numerical so-lution leads to complex integro-differential equations with solving kernels in the form of Green’s resolventes and complex simulation models in MATLAB/Simulink. The case of one branch of the planetary transmission system with six degrees of freedom is analysed in terms of internal dynamics in this pa-per, i.e. the causes of the quantity and quality of resonance bifurcation curves and formation of ambiguity characteristics of relative motion in gear meshes.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0211035
Počet záznamů: 1