Počet záznamů: 1  

Characterization of RF magnetron sputtered Se-doped Ge2Sb2.3Te5 thin films

  1. 1.
    0328405 - ÚMCH 2010 US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Wágner, T. - Gutwirth, J. - Orava, J. - Přikryl, J. - Bezdička, Petr - Bartoš, M. - Vlček, Milan - Frumar, M.
    Characterization of RF magnetron sputtered Se-doped Ge2Sb2.3Te5 thin films.
    Phase-Change Materials for Reconfigurable Electronics and Memory Applications. Warrendale: Materials Research Society, 2008 - (Edwards, A.; Fons, P.; Raoux, S.; Taylor, P.; Taylor, M.), G05-07/1-G05-07/6. 1072. ISBN N.
    [Spring Meeting MRS - Phase-Change Materials for Reconfigurable Electronics and Memory Applications. San Francisco (US), 24.03.2008-27.03.2008]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/06/1368; GA ČR GA203/06/0627; GA MŠMT LC523
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40320502; CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : RF magnetron sputtering technique
    Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry

    RF magnetron sputtering technique has been used to deposit new films potentially applicable in phase-change memories. Ge2Sb2Te5 seems to be promising material, but it is not clear whether it is optimum composition for such application. We studied different deposition condition and deposition of films doped by excess of Sb and doped also by Se, which equally replaces Te atoms compare to Ge2Sb2Te5.
    Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0174727

Počet záznamů: 1  

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