Počet záznamů: 1
Applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos of mechanical systems with discontinuities
- 1.0211449 - UT-L 20000084 RIV GB eng M - Část monografie knihy
Peterka, František
Impacts and dry friction.
9-810229-27-5. In: Applied nonlinear dynamics and chaos of mechanical systems with discontinuities. London: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2000 - (Wiercigroch, M.; De Kraker, B.), s. 343-359. Applied nonlinear dynamic. Chapter 14.
Grant CEP: GA ČR GA101/00/0007
Klíčová slova: numaerical simulation * impact * dry friction
Kód oboru RIV: BI - Akustika a kmity
The motion with impacts and dry friction forces appears in some mechanical systems as mechanisms with clearances, (e.g., in gearings, pins, slots, guides, valve gears etc.), impact dampers, relays, forming and mailing machines, power pics etc. Such mechanisms include one or more pairs of impacting bodies, which introduce the strong nonlinearity into the system motion. The motion of the general pair of bodies with the both-sides impacts and dry friction forces is assumed (Fig.1). It can be the part of a more complex chain of masses in the mechanical system. Dead zones in the relative motion of bodies can be caused by assumed nonlinearities. The mathematical conditions controlling the numerical simulations or analytical solution of the motion are introduced. The application of this method is explained by the study of the influence of dry friction force on amplitude-frequency characteristics of four types of dynamical and impact dampers with optimised parameters.
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0106998
Počet záznamů: 1