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Asymptotic normalization constants in nuclear astrophysics

  1. 1.
    0185317 - UJF-V 20010044 RIV CZ eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Kroha, Václav - Bém, Pavel - Burjan, Václav - Novák, Jan - Piskoř, Štěpán - Šimečková, Eva - Vincour, Jiří - Azhari, A. - Gagliardi, C. A. - Mukhamedzhanov, A. M. - Tang, X. - Trache, L. - Tribble, R. E. - Carstoiu, F.
    Asymptotic normalization constants in nuclear astrophysics.
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Roč. 51, č. 5 (2001), s. 471-489. ISSN 0011-4626
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GA202/01/0709; GA MŠMT ME 385; GA AV ČR KSK1048102
    Kód oboru RIV: BG - Jaderná, atomová a mol. fyzika, urychlovače
    Impakt faktor: 0.345, rok: 2001

    The indirect method of determining astrophysical nuclear reaction rates is discussed. The overall normalization of the astrophysical S-factor for such reactions may be determined from one quantity, the asymptotic normalization coefficient of the overlap function of the bound state wave functions for the initial and final channels. These coefficients can be foun also from peripheral transfer reactions whose amplitudes are determined by the same overlap functionas the amplitudes of the corresponding astrophysical radiative capture processes. The experimental test of this approach and the last results of S-17 measurements are presented.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0002069


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