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Laser produced Ag ions for direct implantation

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    0185124 - UJF-V 20000298 RIV US eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Woryna, E. - Wolowski, J. - Králíková, B. - Krása, Josef - Láska, Leoš - Pfeifer, M. - Rohlena, Karel - Skála, J. - Peřina, Vratislav - Boody, F. P.
    Laser produced Ag ions for direct implantation.
    Review of Scientific Instruments. Roč. 71, - (2000), s. 949-951. ISSN 0034-6748. E-ISSN 1089-7623
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GV202/97/K038
    Kód oboru RIV: BG - Jaderná, atomová a mol. fyzika, urychlovače
    Impakt faktor: 1.239, rok: 2000

    The amount and properties of ions produced by laser ablationof Ag targets have been analyzed. The maximum ion current density j(max)=21.0 mA and maximum charge state Ar37+ of the ions produced by a laser power density of about 1x10(14) W cm(-2) at 1.315 and 0.657 mu m on an Ag target have been determined. Direct implantation of the Ag ions from the laser-produced plasma has also been studied. An implanted ion densityof 3.5x10(16) cm(-2) at a depth of 500 nm in Al samples was determined by RBS.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0081541


Počet záznamů: 1  

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