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Variations of the outburst recurrence time in dwarf novae

  1. 1.
    0124945 - ASU-R 20020040 RIV US eng C - Konferenční příspěvek (zahraniční konf.)
    Šimon, Vojtěch
    Variations of the outburst recurrence time in dwarf novae.
    The physics of cataclysmic variables and related objects. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of Pacific, 2002 - (Gansicke, B.; Beuermann, K.; Reinsch, K.), s. 547-548. ASP Conference Proceedings., 261.
    [The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects. Göttingen (DE), 06.08.2001-10.08.2001]
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GA205/00/P013
    Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1003909
    Klíčová slova: stars activity * circumstellar matter * accretion disks
    Kód oboru RIV: BN - Astronomie a nebeská mechanika, astrofyzika

    Variations of the outburst recurrence time, Tc, analyzed using the method of the O-C residuals, are presented for a set of dwarf novae of various types. Variations of the mass and angular momentum transport through the disk, but not variations of the mass transfer rate, appear to be a promissing mechanism for them.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0023204


Počet záznamů: 1  

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