Počet záznamů: 1  

Shock drift acceleration of electrons: A parametric study

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    0124799 - ASU-R 20010052 RIV US eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Vandas, Marek
    Shock drift acceleration of electrons: A parametric study.
    Journal of Geophysical Research. Roč. 106, A2 (2001), s. 1859-1871. ISSN 0148-0227
    Grant CEP: GA ČR GA205/97/0440; GA AV ČR IBS1003006; GA AV ČR KSK1043601
    Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z1003909
    Klíčová slova: particle acceleration * electrons * shock waves
    Kód oboru RIV: BN - Astronomie a nebeská mechanika, astrofyzika
    Impakt faktor: 2.609, rok: 2001

    We present spectral and angular distributions of the accelerated electrons using the theory of shock drift acceleration at curved shocks. The influence of various shock parameters on these distributions is extensively discussed.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0023058

Počet záznamů: 1  

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