Počet záznamů: 1
Long-term acidification and nutrient degradation of forest soils - limiting factors of forestry today
- 1.0105417 - UPB-H 20043022 RIV CZ eng M - Část monografie knihy
Rusek, Josef
H.5. Impact of acidification, eutrophication, forest management and liming on soil fauna.
[Vliv acidifikace, eutrofizace, lesního hospodaření a vápnění na půdní faunu.]
Long-term acidification and nutrient degradation of forest soils - limiting factors of forestry today. Praha: Ministerstvo životního prostředí ČR, 2003, s. 150-156. ISBN 80-7212-190-1
Výzkumný záměr: CEZ:AV0Z6066911
Klíčová slova: acidification * forest management * soil fauna
Kód oboru RIV: EH - Ekologie - společenstva
Airborne pollutants and acid precipitations negatively influence communities of soil fauna and microflora. As a result, soil functions such as dead organic matter (litter) decomposition; soil microstructure and humus formation and transformation, soil nutrient release and cycling are disturbed. Soil fauna communities are composed by acidophilic, acidotolerant, neutrophilic and basiphilic species. The neutrophilic and basiphilic species die back and disappear from communities as a result of acid precipitation and the selected community of acidophilic and acidotolerant species is species poorer and does not perform all the important and essential functions in soil as did the former ones. Subsequent ameliorative liming does not regenerate the former community. In contradiction, it drastically and for a long time of decades affects the rest of survived acidophilic and acidotolerant species. The very low species richness in the community is no more able to fulfill most of the basic functions in soil. The ameliorative liming has in contrary a deep negative effect on the whole forest ecosystem. Liming should be therefore completely prohibited in forest management
Acidifikace a eutrofizace půdy způsobená vzdušnými polutanty (kyselé deště) má negativní vliv na půdní živočichy. Vápnění lesů by mělo zvýšit pH půdy, ale acidofilní i acidotolerantní půdní fauna je ještě hlouběji zasažena než acidifikací. V této studii je shrnut vliv vzdušných polutantů a vápnění na různé skupiny půdních živočichů
Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0012660
Počet záznamů: 1