Search results

  1. 1.
    0576317 - SLÚ 2024 RIV CZ rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie - Gagen, S.
    N. P. Kondakov-vizantinist: “Ja … vsegda stremilsja po mere svoich sil k ponimaniju i soznatelnoj žizni”.
    [The byzantinist N.P. Kondakov: “I… have always strived for understanding and conscious life.”.]
    Byzantinoslavica. Roč. 80, 1-2 (2022), s. 294-305. ISSN 0007-7712. E-ISSN 0007-7712
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Kondakov, N.P. * Foletti, Ivan * Imperialist Russian Empire
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Impact factor: 0.1, year: 2022
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0576315 - SLÚ 2024 RIV DE rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie
    „Ja uže potustoronnij zritel', daljekij...“ I. J. Repin, N. P. Kondakov i Čechoslovakija.
    [″I'm already a distant spectator, far away…“ I. J. Repin, N. P. Kondakov and Czechoslovakia.]
    Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Roč. 10, č. 1 (2022), s. 195-202. ISSN 0084-0041
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Repin, Ilya E. * Kondakov, Nikodim P. * Russian emigration in Prague, Repin’s exhibitions in Czechoslovakia * Kondakov’s portraits
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
    WSJ 10, Jančárková.pdf11.9 MBAuthor´s preprintrequire
  3. 3.
    0557128 - SLÚ 2023 RIV CZ rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie - Gagen, S.
    „Faktopoklonniki“ i intuitivisty: metodologičeskij spor v istorii iskusstva.
    [Admirers of Facts and of Intuition: a Methodological debate in the History of Art.]
    Byzantinoslavica. Roč. 79, 1-2 (2021), s. 258-268. ISSN 0007-7712. E-ISSN 0007-7712
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Kondakov * Ajnalov * Lazarev
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0540535 - SLÚ 2021 RIV CZ rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie - Gagen, S.
    Fakt, princip, zakon. K voprosu o naučnom metode N. P. Kondakova.
    [Fact, Principle, Law. To the Question of the Scientific Method of N. P. Kondakov.]
    Byzantinoslavica. Roč. 78, 1-2 (2020), s. 301-308. ISSN 0007-7712. E-ISSN 0007-7712
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Kondakov, N. P. * scientific method * Veselovskij, A. N. * positivism * scientific law * scientific principle * fact in history * Semper, G.
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
    14_jancarkova.pdf01.1 MBAuthor’s postprintrequire
  5. 5.
    0525390 - SLÚ 2021 RIV RU rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie
    Blagotvoritelnost' kak dejstvije i kak dejatelnost' (na primere russkich emigrantok M. K. Teniševoj, N. G. Jašvil', J. K. Breško-Breškovskoj i J. J. Skobcovoj).
    [Philanthropy as an Action and as an Activity (on the Pattern of the Russian Emigrant Women M. K. Tenisheva, N. G. Jashvil, Je. K. Breshko-Breshkovskaja and Je. Ju. Skobcova.]
    Istorija. Roč. 11, č. 2 /88/ (2020), č. článku 17. ISSN 2079-8784. E-ISSN 2079-8784
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : philanthropy * charity * patronage * Mother Maria Tenisheva
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Permanent Link:
    Jančárková 0525390 Blagotvoritel'nost' kak dejstvije.pdf0353.5 KBAuthor’s postprintrequire
  6. 6.
    0518287 - SLÚ 2020 RIV AT rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie - Gagen, S.
    Pravoslavnoje iskusstvo kak massovyj tovar na territorii Tretjego Rejcha i okkupirovannych territorijach vo vremja Vtoroj mirovoj vojny (Po materialam archiva Archeologičeskogo instituta imeni N. P. Kondakova v Prage).
    [Orthodox Icons as Mass Consumer Goods in the Area of The Third Reich and its Occupied Territories during WWII (based on archives of the Nikodim Pavlovič Kondakov Archeological Institute in Prague).]
    Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Roč. 7, č. 1 (2019), s. 256-269. ISSN 0084-0041
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Russian emigration during the Second World War * Orthodox church in Nazi-occupied territories * Kondakov Archeological Institute in Prague * Andreev, Nikolay
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
    Jančárková 0518287 Pravoslavnoje iskusstvo kak massovyj tovar.pdf91.1 MBAuthor’s postprintrequire
  7. 7.
    0507471 - SLÚ 2020 RIV CZ rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie
    Ermitažu - 250 let. Obnovlennaja ekspozicija vizantijskogo iskusstva.
    [Hermitage - 250 years. Renovated Exhibition of Byzantine Art.]
    Byzantinoslavica. Roč. 73, 1-2 (2015), s. 208-215. ISSN 0007-7712. E-ISSN 0007-7712
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Byzantine Art collections * Byzantium * State Hermitage * Byzantine icons * Russian researchers of Byzantium
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0507161 - SLÚ 2020 RIV RU rus J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie
    Nikolaj Okuněv i samaja bol'šaja vystavka russkogo iskusstva v Čechoslovakiji.
    [Nikolaj Okunev and the biggest exhibition of Russian Fine Art in Czechoslovakia.]
    Slavjanskij al'manach. -, 1-2 (2019), s. 271-281. ISSN 2073-5731
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Okunev, Nikolai Lvovich * Exhibition of Russian Art * Institute of Slavonic Studies * legal recognition of the USSR * Palace of Klam Gallas * Collection of the Institute of Slavonic Studies
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
  9. 9.
    0506975 - SLÚ 2020 RIV SK cze J - Journal Article
    Jančárková, Julie
    Rok 1917 a Ruské výtvarné umění.
    [The year 1917 and Russian fine art.]
    Annales historici Presovienses. Roč. 17, č. 2 (2017), s. 66-79. ISSN 1336-7528
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Keywords : Fine Art * Russia * 1917
    OECD category: Specific literatures
    Method of publishing: Metadata only
    Permanent Link:
    Jančárková 0506975 Rok 1917 a ruské výtvarné umění.pdf15.7 MBPublisher’s postprintrequire
  10. 10.
    0441732 - SLÚ 2015 DE rus J - Journal Article
    Gračeva, A. - Jančárková, Julie
    Pamjati Ljubovi Nikolajevny Beloševskoj.
    Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Roč. 2, - (2014), s. 292-295. ISSN 0084-0041
    Institutional support: RVO:68378017
    Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision
    Permanent Link:

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